Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Patisserie Trial Week

I decided I wanted to do this apprentice thing for a number of reasons:

Monday, 15 July 2013

Pursuits of a Parisian Pâtissière

I love the smell of butter on my finger tips.  I love it when you make pastry and then wash your hands not well so the smell of butter lingers on your fingers and you feel buttery and warm.  I could rub it all over myself instead of spraying myself with perfume.  I would rather wear Butter by Abigail than Coco Mademoiselle by Chanel any day.

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Dinner on a gondola

Venice, Italy, 2 July 2013

Last night I made dinner on a gondola for an elderly german couple who were touristing in Venice. And they loved it.

It all started when my friend Tiffany and I were mind-mapping quick money ideas at the beach.  It is quite difficult to find a job in Italy, especially when you don't really want one.